Commercial Dumpster

Commercial Dumpster cleaning

Dumpsters are a significant draw for pests providing a steady source of food and water for flies, rodents, mosquitos, and cockroaches. You want to clean your dumpster regularly to prevent a build-up of rotting waste. Dumpsters get horrible odors which are unpleasant for employees and patrons as well as attracting unsanitary pests.

Our service value: keeping your dumpsters and the area around them clean is a critical part of the sanitation in your establishment. It maintains a safe environment for employees and customer health.

We Come to Your Establishment

Bluehill Service Co. will come to your establishment with our mobile service truck & trailer equipped with eco-friendly degreasers, disinfectants and a hot water pressure washing unit. With our wastewater recovery system, we will leave no dirty water behind and haul away the collected waste water. We use heated water and standard practices to clean your dumpster and pad, so your employees don’t have to. 

Your employees will appreciate this and it gives them more time to provide services to your patrons. Due to the varying size of commercial containers, we will come to your place of business to give you a free estimate.

Contact us today at 434-972-9547 or email us to learn more and schedule an estimate!